Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Women on the Front Line-

The main video I looked at was killing in the Name of Honour. Women on the front digs deeper to get the real facts and truths about what’s really happening in Turkey today. 1 and 3 woman are victims of violence against women Where the execution would be prearranged women dressing in black going to meet their death. Fathers kills mothers, sisters daughters’ etc, because the men think there is nothing else to live for besides pride and honor. But because Turkey is a closed community its hard to get information no one wants to get in trouble or let anything slip because of the fear they too might be killed. In the 72 million people that live in turkey suicide rate has gone up over the last four years. Even since the harsher punishment cracked on honor killing…the “killers” are making it look like a suicide. Woman have no say in who is killed only the men and the leaders of the clan get to make the choice. If the man who is asked to kill his daughter, wife, mother, sister does not people of the clan will go forward with killing other family members until there is no one left.
I learned a lot from this video I thought it was really honest and took a deep hard look into the life of Turkey today for women.


  1. its very interesting that you mention the supposed suicide rate has gone up and that women are subjected to violence, because in some of the videos that I watched it was stated that women have increasingly become suicide bombers. Even if the women in turkey are not necessarily following that path its odd to see how one woman can be beaten like she is a low form of life, when another is blowing up a bus or a building in the name of Allah. Perhaps they are becoming those suicide bombers because of the violence the face at home.

  2. This topic was so intense to me that I decided to write a blog post on it too. I found a couple articles that talked more about this. I never even knew that these horrible killings were happening until you showed me that video. The sad thing as that this is happening to young girls and not just women.
