Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I found something from an old class....i thought would be helpful to our wonderful class and this something that i think is very interesting... its a break down of political ideology of islam... how cool is that? So here some highlights of what i found-

Political Ideology of Islam

1. Organic Integration of Spiritual (religion) and Material (societal-social, economic, political) domains.

2. Historical Orientation and Awareness—The Example of Muhammad and Governance under the First Four Caliphs. The acute awareness of Islamic history in the present moment.

3. Ummah: Muslims are one brotherhood. Islamic State must support and show solidarity with the Ummah. The concept of Nation-State as a sovereign political though accepted by majority of the people is still challenged as the right polity of an authentic community of Muslims. Calls for reconstitution of Khilafat (Caliphate) are still put forth by revolutionary and traditional Ullema and political activists. Modernists take the Organization of Islamic Conference—an organization with 58 Islamic member countries established in 1993—as the contemporary version of Ummah.

4. Sovereignty belongs to God only, not to the State, or People: Authority to manage society is delegated by God to people. Governments must serve God and People, and rule according to Sharia Law and not according to their wishes and whims.

5. Application of Sharia: Islamic Laws and Values distilled by Islamic scholars from the Quran and Hadith should be applied or implemented to guide state activities and the behavior of individuals in Islamic society.

6. Prescription of Rights of various groups: men, women, non-Muslims.

7. Obligations of Rulers: State leaders are obligated to faithfully implement the Sharia (Law) and not rule according to their will, whims, and likings or for personal benefits or for ego. They must make sure that all people are free of want and are taken care off.

8. Social and Economic Justice: Though private property and seeking profits and money is allowed, nevertheless Wealth is seen as a Trust of God held by persons to be spent for goodness in society and not to be taken as personal right for personal enjoyment. The needy must be provided for by the state and society, through taxation and setting up of philanthropic institutions.

9. Republicanism: Against Primogeniture--Rulers must be selected/elected by the people. Gives Islamic political culture a democratic impulse.

10.Activist Citizenry: Muslims have an obligation to take part in community affairs. The Mosque is both a place of worship and a community center.

11. Peace, Harmony, and Non-Aggression in Society. ‘Fitna’ or spreading disorder or rebellion in society is condemned. Political movements against Muslim rulers must be peaceful. Violent movements are acceptable only when the rulers are openly behave against Islam.

12. Jihad:

a. Jihad-a-Akbar: The Great Jihad-Personal/spiritual Jihad

b. Jihad-a-Ummah: The Social Jihad

c. Jihad-a-Asghar: The Little Jihad-Martial Jihad

please i'm using this information on my papers i hope that other will too. or at least give a different P.O.V

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