Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Day of Ahmads Secret-

This children's story is not what I expected, at all.  I think it is well done and I can see why Dan must have picked this story. 
Ahmed is a lovely little boy and he takes the reader into his life and gives a taste of his everyday duties: 
- Buying beans and rice
- Carrying heavy bottles
-dropping the heavy bottles off

Along with his everyday duties he lets the reader into another side of his life; stories/words of wisdom his Father has told him, "Hurry to grow strong, but do not hurry to grow old." along with a personal level the reader gets to connect on an emotional level not only with Ahmed but with the city that surrounds him. The walls tell stories, the very walls Ahmed sits and shades himself from the hot sun, everything around him is older and stronger than he. 
And this whole time, the reader is WONDERING what the hell could this wonderful little boys secret be? What type of secret could he keep, and why would he have to wait until night fall to let him family know? Many question pop up only to get the answer of the secret... he can write his name.
This was so touching, this little boys takes the reader into his life and he is strong and he is brave and this little boy probably had more responsibilities than I did or the person sitting next to you; all all before he can even write his name.    


  1. I also enjoyed the story -- and feel I gained from out critical discussion in class.

  2. I really like that his secret was so simple, but at the same time empowering for him. I can imagine children reading this story and being proud that they have also learned to write their name, as well as curious about the different language in which Ahmed writes.

  3. I think that this story, as read by adults should remind us to be entertained and appreciative of the simple things in life. The father shows that by telling his son grow strong but do not hurry to grow old,saying that as we grow older our innocent wonder and pleasures. disappear
